
About this website

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature created this website as part of its public information campaign around organic food. The campaign is intended to inform consumers about how tasty organic food can be, the benefits of organically produced food, and what the EU organic logo stands for.

15% of agricultural land in the Netherlands farmed organically by 2030

The EU wants 25% of agricultural land to be farmed organically by 2030. It has asked all member states to help achieve this. The Netherlands has set out a strategy, goals and measures for this in its Action Plan for Organic Agriculture. The aim is for 15% of the Netherlands’ total agricultural area to be farmed organically by 2030. That will mean an increase from 81,000 hectares (4.8%) today to around 300,000 hectares in 2030. With this in mind, the Dutch government wants to significantly increase demand for and availability of organic food in the Netherlands. This website and the national campaign will help us do that.

What will you find on this site?

All of the information on the website is in Dutch. It covers the following topics.

What is organic?

An explanation of when food can be called organic, organic production methods, how food is certified as organic in Europe, and the criteria that products and producers have to meet for organic certification.

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Facts and figures

Facts and figures about production and consumption of organic food in the Netherlands and across the EU.

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Why I opt for organic

Consumers and farmers explain why they opt for organic.

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Frequently asked questions by category.

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For professionals

Information for retailers and food service businesses. Includes background information on this campaign and how they can participate, along with a link to a toolkit with communication materials.

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If you have any questions or comments after visiting this website, please let us know using the form on the contact page.